fredag den 12. september 2008

The Innovation Game has Changed...

Open Innovation
"Companies that don´t innovate die. This is the certainty your company faces in this complex world. But how should your company innovate? Rather than relying entirely on internal ideas to advance the business, open innovation leverages internal and external sources of ideas" (Chesbrough, 2006).

Above statement explains how open innovation is a must and a paradigm shift, modern businesses need to consider if they want to survive and be competitive. Open innovation is about using the resources/ideas not only inside the company but also outside e.g. from customers, people on the street, suppliers to advance their business.

Nike is a company which has practiced the trend of open innovation. At Nikeid you as customer can design your own shoes. In Nike studios you can be consulted by an employee how to design the best fitted shoe. Nike is an interesting case who is redefining the role of the customer and employee; the customer = designer, the employee = consultant.

To test the new innovation game, I designed my own Nike sneakers with my name on!

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